Mark Johnson & Emory Lester (USA):Workshops in der Schweiz

6 Apr.

Mark Johnson und Emory Lester

Einmalige Gelegenheit: Lerne direkt von den Meistern!

Samstag, 23. Mai 2015 am 16. Spring Bluegrass Festival in Willisau

Emory Lester: Guitar Workshop – 12.00-13.00

Mark Johnson: Clawhammer Banjo Workshop – 13.00-14.00

Emory Lester: Mandolin Workshop – 14.00-15.00 Gruppengrösse 5 bis max. 8,

pro Workshop Fr. 30.-


Anmeldung schriftlich via / SMS 079 476 06 60




Old-Time Jam im McGee’s – Zürich

26 März

We are a small group of musicians who play acoustic music in the American old-time style – think Appalachian string band music with fiddle, banjo, guitar, mandolin and stand-up bass. We hold a monthly jam in the Wiedikon neighborhood of Zurich and we invite you to join us to play, learn or listen. If you play one of the instruments above and you can pick up tunes easily (or already know some old-time repertoire), come to the jam session and play. We’ll start slower so that you can pick up the tune. The great thing about old-time music is that we play the melody over and over again, so it’s easy to join in. If you like to sing, join in on the singing songs. If you would just like to listen to an entrancing form of traditional music and have a beer, bring your friends and enjoy. This is meant to be a low-key jam session and not a stage performance.

We would like to keep the jam strictly to the old-time American style and repertoire of playing – which is a bit different than Irish music, Bluegrass or folk songs (though elements of each of these genres may appear)!  If this is something you might be interested in, we hope you’ll come and find out what old-time music is all about.

Join our meet-up group and stay in touch!

Old-Time Jam im McGee’s – Zürich

26 März

We are a small group of musicians who play acoustic music in the American old-time style – think Appalachian string band music with fiddle, banjo, guitar, mandolin and stand-up bass. We hold a monthly jam in the Wiedikon neighborhood of Zurich and we invite you to join us to play, learn or listen. If you play one of the instruments above and you can pick up tunes easily (or already know some old-time repertoire), come to the jam session and play. We’ll start slower so that you can pick up the tune. The great thing about old-time music is that we play the melody over and over again, so it’s easy to join in. If you like to sing, join in on the singing songs. If you would just like to listen to an entrancing form of traditional music and have a beer, bring your friends and enjoy. This is meant to be a low-key jam session and not a stage performance.

We would like to keep the jam strictly to the old-time American style and repertoire of playing – which is a bit different than Irish music, Bluegrass or folk songs (though elements of each of these genres may appear)!  If this is something you might be interested in, we hope you’ll come and find out what old-time music is all about.

Join our meet-up group and stay in touch!

Old-Time Jam im McGee’s – Zürich

23 März

We are a small group of musicians who play acoustic music in the American old-time style – think Appalachian string band music with fiddle, banjo, guitar, mandolin and stand-up bass. We hold a monthly jam in the Wiedikon neighborhood of Zurich and we invite you to join us to play, learn or listen. If you play one of the instruments above and you can pick up tunes easily (or already know some old-time repertoire), come to the jam session and play. We’ll start slower so that you can pick up the tune. The great thing about old-time music is that we play the melody over and over again, so it’s easy to join in. If you like to sing, join in on the singing songs. If you would just like to listen to an entrancing form of traditional music and have a beer, bring your friends and enjoy. This is meant to be a low-key jam session and not a stage performance.

We would like to keep the jam strictly to the old-time American style and repertoire of playing – which is a bit different than Irish music, Bluegrass or folk songs (though elements of each of these genres may appear)!  If this is something you might be interested in, we hope you’ll come and find out what old-time music is all about.

Join our meet-up group and stay in touch!

9. SBMA Bluegrass- und Old-Time FanFest, Bülach

21 Jan.

Zum 9. Mal führt die SBMA das traditionelle FanFest durch. Nach den guten Erfahrungen in den letzten drei Jahren werden wir wieder im Restaurant Kaserne in Bülach zu Gast sein.

Alle – auch Nicht-Mitglieder der SBMA – sind herzlich willkommen. Wir wollen zusammen sitzen, plaudern und die Musik geniessen, die wir alle so lieben. Ungezwungen und unkompliziert. Wir treffen uns um 16.00 Uhr zum Apéro. Anschliessend besteht die Möglichkeit für Jamsessions.

Wie gewohnt steht die Bühne allen offen. Beim „Open Mic“ kannst du mit zwei, drei anderen MusikerInnen etwas einüben und vortragen. Vermischt die Bands, kreiert neue Zusammensetzungen, probiert aus und habt Spass. Auch „Beginners“ sind willkommen. Die Bühne für das „Open Mic“ ist der geeignete Platz für euch. Bluegrass und Old Time sind herzlich willkommen. Die Länge der Auftritte wird je nach Anzahl der Anmeldungen festgesetzt.

Eine Einschränkung müssen wir jedoch machen: die MusikerInnen sollten nur in maximal zwei verschiedenen Formationen auftreten.

Showcase ist das Schaufenster für alle Newcomer- und bestehende Bands. Währen 25 Minuten haben maximal zwei Bands die Gelegenheit, sich dem Publikum von ihrer besten Seite zu zeigen. Von zwei erfahrenen Bluegrass-Musikern erhalten sie auf Wunsch anschliessend in einem internen Gespräch Tipps, was sie an ihrem Auftritt noch verbessern könnten.

Die Formationen und Bands können sich ab sofort bei Cindy Richner (per Email oder Telefon 062 891 19 71) melden.